Current Students and Research Fellows

Kin Max Piamolini Gusmão (MSc, 2024)
Juarez Monteiro (co-Advisor, PhD 2022)
Laura Angélica Tomaz da Silva (co-Advisor, PhD 2023)
Alexandre Yukio Ichida (MSc 2020, PhD 2024)
Katherine Bianchini Esper (MSc 2022)

Colleagues in Academia

Reuth Mirsky, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Alexandre R. Franco, Child Mind Institute, USA
Leonardo Rosa Amado Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen
Augusto Buchweitz, University of Connecticut, USA
Rodrigo Coelho Barros, PUCRS, Brazil
Miquel Ramirez, University of Melbourne, Australia
Nir Lipovetzky, University of Melbourne, Australia
Mor Vered, Monash University, Australia
Stephen Cranefield, University of Otago, New Zealand
Duncan Dubugras Ruiz, PUCRS, Brazil
Michael Luck, KCL, UK
Brian Logan, University of Aberdeen, UK
Nir Oren, University of Aberdeen, UK
Lavindra de Silva, University of Cambridge, UK
Munindar Singh, NCSU, USA

Collaborators in Industry

Siddharth Mehrotra, Citi, USA
Eric Simon, SAP, Germany

Past Collaborators

Wamberto Vasconcelos, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Tony Savarimuthu, University of Otago, New Zealand
Gal Kaminka, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Neil Yorke-Smith, University of Delft, Netherlands
Paul Scerri, CMU/Platypus, USA
Katia Sycara, CMU, USA
Sanjay Modgil, KCL, UK
Simon Parsons, CUNY, USA
Balajee Kannan, General Electric, USA
Michael Lewis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Yuqing Tang, Facebook, AI, USA
Pankaj Telang, SAS, USA
Nilanjan Chakraborty, CMU, USA
Renata Vieira, PUCRS, Brazil
Ana Cristina Benso da Silva, PUCRS, Brazil
Michael da Costa Móra, PUCRS, Brazil
Nora Faci, LIRIS, France
Fabio Giannetti, Mastercard, USA
I-Jong Lin, Adobe, USA
Simon Miles, KCL, UK
Hyaejin (Jean) Oh, CMU/NREC, USA
Jigar Patel, McKinsey & Co, UK
Maíra Ribeiro Rodrigues, UFMG, Brazil
João Batista Souza de Oliveira, PUCRS, Brazil
Avelino Francisco Zorzo, PUCRS, Brazil

Past Students

Besides the list below, you can also check out the written output of my students at Github.
Rodrigo Castro Martins (MSc 2014), PhD from the University of Alberta, now at Growing Greener Innovations, Canada
Jiéverson Maissiat (MSc 2014), not founder of Craftbox, Brazil
Wagdi Alrawagfeh (thesis committee, PhD 2015), now at College of the North Atlantic, Qatar
Caroline Frohlich (MSc 2015), now at the Child Mind Institute, NY, USA
Rodrigo Wesz (MSc 2015), now at Unicesumar, Brazil
Anibal Solon Heinsfeld (MSc 2016), now at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin
Stephan Chang (MSc 2017), now at Flow
Giovani Parente Farias (PhD 2017)
Guilherme Krzisch (MSc 2018), now at Onyo
Joana Paim da Luz (co-Advisor, MSc 2018)
Laura Angélica Tomaz da Silva (co-Advisor, MSc 2019), now PhD student at PUCRS
Daniele Antunes Pinheiro (MSc 2019), now at HP Inc.
Priscilla de Fatima Neuhaus (co-Advisor, MSc 2019), now at Hygia Bank.
Gabriel Rubin de Lima (MSc 2020), now at Hutch Game Studios.
João Paulo de Souza Aires (MSc 2015, PhD 2019), now at Charles University of Prague, Czechia.
Maurício Cecílio Magnaguagno (MSc 2016, PhD 2020), now independent researcher.
Ramon Fraga Pereira (MSc 2016, PhD 2020), now a Lecturer at the University of Manchester.
Gabriel Paludo Licks (MSc 2020), now at La Sapienza University Rome, Italy.
Roger Leitzke Granada, (Postdoctoral Fellow 2021), now ML Engineer at Unico.
Matheus Zampieri Marcon (MSc 2021)
Leonardo Rosa Amado (MSc 2017, PhD 2021), now a Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen